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दुनिया की 5 जगहें जिन्हे विज्ञान ठीकसे नहीं समझता Unanswered Science Mysteries on Earth

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Hello friends, our Modern science is very mature today in the world. Every field of science such as biology, medicine, physics and chemistry have advanced rapidly in human technology and research analysis methods. But in spite of all this development in science there still are many mysteries that scientists and researchers are carrying out investigation about. There are many interesting places on Earth that seem to defy basic laws of Science. It’s amazing and unbelievable to see this on Earth in real life. For example there is a village in Kerala called Kondinhi where people for some weird reason have genetic condition that creates more twins than anywhere else in the world. There are mysterious waterfalls, lights, fairy circles, humming noises and one Bermuda triangle in space. We humans are trying best and scientists are carrying experiment to find the answers to these bizarre world questions. Everything has been explained in this video so watch this hindi video till end to know more -

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बरमुड़ा ट्रायंगल के रहस्य से नकाब आखिर उतर ही गया. (Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved in Hindi) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcT3eQnYHDg

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