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ফেসবুক ও অ্যাপলের দ্বন্দ্ব | Rivalry Between Facebook & Apple
Facebook & Apple, two tech behemoth is not at each other odd for several months. The problem arose when Apple announced a new privacy-centric feature to its new iOS 14 updates. According to Facebook, the feature would harm the companies Ad Network and will cause 50% or more damage to its revenue. Since then the two giants are at each other's throats with Facebook threatening to launch an Anti-trust violation lawsuit against Apple. In today's video, we have explored why Facebook is against the feature and Apple is pushing for it.
Video Sections:
00:00 - Introduction
00:43 - History
03:57 - What's In The Update
05:07 - Why Facebook Unhappy
07:17 - Why Apple Pushing
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cnbc: https://cnb.cx/3vljGSf
businessinsider: https://bit.ly/3emaO7M
cnet: https://cnet.co/3ei307b
facebook: https://bit.ly/3v79psv
bloomberg: https://bloom.bg/3vcCjrp
theverge: https://bit.ly/3arKisH
twitter: https://bit.ly/3grKXxX
hindustantimes: https://bit.ly/3v9jaGM
Video Credit:
Story Blocks
apple: https://youtu.be/OaLxTz1Yw7M?t=437
facebook: https://bit.ly/3tIF17y
charlie rose: https://bit.ly/3nbm7nh
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#facebook #apple #FBVsApple