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রোলেক্স ঘড়ি কেন এতো দামী | Why Rolex is so Expensive?

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Rolex is one of the most expensive watch brands in the world. But Rolex's popularity and demand is higher than all other brands. Because of this, Rolex has captured a huge share of the high-ranged watch market with their high quality watches and good level of marketing.Rolex's brand identity and brand value is so high that no matter where you go in the world, everyone will recognize Rolex as an expensive watch. In this video we will try to explain why Rolex watches are expensive.
Video Sections:
0:00 - Introduction
0:54 - History
5:36 - Why Rolex is so Expensive
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Video Credit:
IrixGuy's Adventure Channel - https://youtu.be/ityAZ9JKm1Q
Antiques Roadshow PBS- https://youtu.be/cj5OppBMHz0
Iconic Watches- https://youtu.be/uAHsnnKndKM
Kwizera Images- https://youtu.be/HG7LTSqhq3w
Experiment TV- https://youtu.be/Hnlh3kNH5bk
Prashand T Mariemuthu- https://youtu.be/WZ8Iv_zYWbI
Animagraffs- https://youtu.be/9_QsCLYs2mY
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#rolex #luxurywatch #expensivewatch

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